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Rhonda Jankovic Society Inc.

AGM/Poetry Reading Day will be held on Sunday, 30 Aug 2015, Talbot Hall - Broughton St Seaford VIC. Melway Ref: 99 D3. Open Mic registrations 2:00pm for a 2:15pm start. Food and drink will be provided. Gold coin donation is requested

Objectives of the Society
•Accept and manage sponsorships and donations for the purpose of promoting social justice through literature;
•Manage a Rhonda Jankovic Social Justice Poetry Awards, the frequency of which will be determined, and;
•Subject to funding, contribute donations or similar supportive measures to causes in the spirit of Rhonda Jankovic's social justice philosophy.

Rhonda Jankovic, a survivor of an abused childhood, developed a passion for life and learning. Leaving school at the age of 14, she subsequently studied and achieved entry to La Trobe University where she reached postgraduate level in historical research. A published and award-winning poet, Rhonda was also, as producer and host of two Radio 3CR programs - 'Spoken Word' (poetry) and 'SUWA' (highlighting the plight of homeless people), a staunch advocate of emerging poets and justice for those disadvantaged in society. She died of cancer in 2012 at the age of 49.

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